Throughout my life I have set myself a number of goals.

I wanted to gain a list of qualifications as long as my arm. I wanted to live in New York City, become a real New Yorker. I wanted to excel in my career and prove that females can survive in male dominated environments, that we can be entrepreneurs and break down barriers. I wanted to meet the love of my life, settle down and start a family. I wanted to be the best friend, sister, wife, mother and daughter humanly possible. I wanted to spend time doing what I enjoy most, whatever that be and wherever it would take me.

Fast-forward to today, and I am a qualified Lawyer and Banker. I have completed a whole raft of qualifications from legal exams to a diploma in aromatherapy. I have lived and worked in New York, I became a New Yorker. I am an advocate for female entrepreneurs advising them on all aspects of the investment world. I dedicate my time to mentoring and tutoring young females from differing cultures, religions and ethnic groups. I am married to the most amazing, supportive and caring man on earth, in my opinion. I have a beautiful baby. I am surrounded by inspirational friends and family worth their weight in gold.

The only goal I had not achieved was to launch a blog as a platform to share my biggest passion, my love of travelling around the world and exploring all things scent related.

As I am writing these words I am brimming with happiness and pride. blog has been realised, welcome to my life.

If you take nothing else from my blog then please take this. You can achieve whatever you set your mind to. If you meet a barrier you can find a way around it. If you are told you cannot do something, know that you can. If you hit a glass ceiling, smash right through it.


The Scent Explorer x