Breakfast or Lunch? I Suggest Brunch

By far my favourite brunch spot in Amsterdam is Gs de Pijp. Gs has a number of locations across Amsterdam including a boat restaurant but I love the intimacy and local feel of its de Pijp restaurant.

Gs De Pijp Restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

It has every form of comfort food imaginable in one place.

Gs De Pijp Restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2


Menu Gs De Pijp Restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

From its comic book strip table cloths to menus made out of vinyl, this place is cool and hip whilst being approachable and fun.

Putting the décor aside for a moment, the food is everything that brunch dreams are made of.

Their brunch dip has to be experienced. This is guacamole on steroids, all of the best things in one bowl, avocado, sour cream, tomato and bacon. Until this day I am yet to taste a guacamole even close to this.

Brunch dip. Gs De Pijp Restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

I followed the dip with two poached eggs on toast tomatoes and black beans. All washed down with one of their boozy cocktails

Poached eggs. Gs De Pijp Restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

After having eaten way to much food, story of my life, I needed to walk and burn some calories, time to hit the museums.


Now, in an attempt not to seem as though all I think about is food, as true as that might be, it’s time to discuss Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum.

Both museums are within 10 walking minutes from each other and from all of the above mentioned hotels and restaurants.

Like the Stedelijk Museum and the concert hall Concertgebouw, Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum both face onto the Museumplein, a large public garden.

Museumplein is a tourist destination in itself with its blossoming trees (dependent on the time of year) different art installations and statues.

Blossoms. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

On one visit I was fortunate enough to see a Miffy art parade comprising of giant decorated Miffys positioned around the park.

Miffy Yellow. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Miffy. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

The Miffy installation was some time ago but the park has different installations throughout the year.

Back to Rijksmeseum, as well as being the home of the ‘ I love Amsterdam’ sign (watch out for the selfie sticks) Rijksmeseum is a 19th century building that houses Dutch Golden Age masterpieces and a vast European art collection. The museum is endless and will take around 3 hours to complete.

What says Amsterdam more than Vincent Van Gogh? I mean, I guess tulips do, as so does Edam cheese but we can all admit that Van Gogh has very much influenced our idea of Amsterdam and indeed art. A trip to Amsterdam is not complete unless you take the time to visit the Van Gogh museum.

Top tips, buy your tickets on-line several days in advance or you won’t get in and give yourself 40 minutes from Central Station. Extra travel time is required as if you are anything like me, you will make a few wrong turns.

Nothing works up an appetite like a museum marathon.

Hanging With The Hipsters

On one of my many window shopping trips around The Nine Streets (see Day 1 of this blog post for details) I chanced upon The Hoxton.The Hoxton hotel. Discover the Real Amsterdam- day 2

I have long been a fan of the Hoxtons in Shoreditch and Holborn but I had no idea that one had been built in Amsterdam. Five canal houses on the Herengracht have been transformed into a retro chic hotel containing a bar, meeting spaces and Lotti restaurant; a partnership with Soho House & Co serving simple yet well done food.

Lotti Mac and Cheese. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

The crowd is hip and trendy; think Sunday brunch in Shoreditch crossed with Soho house on a Friday afternoon.

Lotti. Discover the real Amsterdam- day 2

The hotel boasts 111 rooms across 5 floors and has rooms to fit all budgets.

Hoxton hotel. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Flowers, Flowers & More Flowers

For as long as I can remember I have understood that Holland is synonymous with tulips, well flowers in general. Given my love of all things scented, a trip to Keukenhof Gardens was the top of my to do list during my first trip to Amsterdam.

Tulips. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

The flowers quite literally took my breath away. Row upon row of endless beauty and whilst primarily tulips the gardens contain installations with a variety of flowers including hyacinths, lavender and much more.

The Scent Explorer. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

On one of my many visits there was an installation about Van Gogh which I thought to be genius.

Flower Installation. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

There are over 32 hectares of flowers, 7 million bulbs will bloom this spring as well as a total of 800 varieties of tulips.


Hotel V Nesplein. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Whilst I have not stayed in the Hotel V Nesplein,  I visit its restaurant, The Lobby, every time I’m in Amsterdam.

The menu is European, each course can be enjoyed individually or as part of their set menu. The food is beautifully presented, the waiters incredibly friendly and the atmosphere is buzzing. Further, this restaurant is full of locals which is always a good sign!

The Lobby Restaurant, Hotel V. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Hotel V Scallops, the Lobby restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Hotel V, Lamb, the Lobby restaurant. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2


Call me crazy but one of the good things about this restaurant, and there are many, is the bread and butter. This may be simplistic but as a 34 year old female I spend my life avoiding additional carbs regardless of how good they taste.

Bread and butter. Discover the real Amsterdam - day 2

Like The Hoxton, I am yet to stay in the Hotel V Nesplein for not other reason than them always being fully booked.

I travel to Amsterdam multiple times throughout the year. Its traveler friendly, there is lots to do and its a beautiful city. What more could you want from a weekend break?