Posts tagged with: Travel

Travel Must Haves – The Items That I Take Everywhere

I love to travel. Pre covid-19 I travelled on a monthly basis. Given the covid dangers, travel restrictions and having given birth in May, our passports are gathering dust. Thankfully,...

From New York to Tel Aviv; My Love of Sabon is Truly Transatlantic

Exploration in New York I discovered SABON during my first stint living in New York. It is no secret that I love New York. That whilst I love London, New...

Perfume, Flower and Candle events for 2020

Coming Soon……...

Discover The Real Amsterdam – Day 2

Breakfast or Lunch? I Suggest Brunch By far my favourite brunch spot in Amsterdam is Gs de Pijp. Gs has a number of locations across Amsterdam including a boat restaurant but...

Discover The Real Amsterdam – Day 1

Apple, cinnamon and freshly baked spiced pastries, all scents that remind me of Amsterdam. Not what you expected right? Read on to find out why. I am under no illusions;...