Back when physical events were the norm, the pre-covid world, I attended the launch of Neil Chapman’s book ‘Perfume’ at Roullier White in Dulwich. Like many of the events I attend, this was in collaboration with The Perfume Society and hosted by the founder Jo Farley. As an aside, if you are not familiar with the Perfume Society then you should be! Think of it as an online magazine where you can learn about perfumes, key players in the fragrance industry and events. Most importantly, you can buy perfume discovery sets, an affordable way to trial new fragrances.

The Treasure Trove

Back to Roullier White.

Roulier White Credit: Roullier White

Shame on me. This was my first visit to Roullier White. I can make a number of excuses as to why I had no knowledge of this shop but I simply need to venture outside Primrose Hill more often.

Roullier White, for me, is a perfume lovers Aladdin’s cave. If you want a truly unique scent, this is the place to go. In fact, they are thought to be the UK’s largest stockiest of rare fragrances. Some of which I knew but many that I did not.

I definitely suggest a visit. The website lists all of the perfumes but the best way to truly experience a fragrance is on your skin. Spray it and then allow it to develop so that you capture the different notes. Also, in person, you have the benefit of discussing the fragrances with perfume specialists who possess a wealth of knowledge. I should add that they you can purchase perfumes from their website too.

I have not visited Roullier White since the event but I am desperate to do so. My maternity leave is whizzing by but I have carved out some time in the new year for nothing more than perfume exploration. Watch out Roullier White, I’m coming for you.

Noteworthy, Roullier White is not just a fragrance shop. They sell a wide range of products from fragrances to travel products and their own brand Mrs.White’s. A range of home and beauty care products.

Neil Chapman

Back to the book signing. Neil Chapman is an award-winning perfume writer with a fragrance blog called ‘The Black Narcissus

His book ‘Perfume – In Search Of Your Signature Scent’ guides the reader through the world of fragrance with reference to over 700 perfumes. Yes, 700!

The Book

The perfumes are categorised on the basis of their notes: bergamot, rose, sandalwood, etc. They are also segmented into broader groups like green florals. Neil comments on each group as well as the individual perfumes, this is particularly helpful when trying to find new perfumes. Let’s say that you are a fan of a perfume that falls under the green florals category, the book provides a list of a number of green florals with descriptions. A literal perfume dictionary.

The Perfume Bible Credit: Aurora Books

Another aspect of the book, Neil has added interesting facts including the fragrances worn by figures throughout history and his personal thoughts.

The exterior of the book is just as beautiful as the words inside. Its gold trimmed pages and elegant art deco style has created a showpiece. It truly does feel biblical.

Neil flew in from Japan for the book launch which included a Q&A session, book signing as well as him reading excerpts from the book. Below is one of my favourite excerpts:

‘Would we even have perfume were it not for flowers? With their widely varying scents, shapes, hues and characters. Their rich symbolic and decorative value and poetic inspirations, it is impossible to imagine the world of perfumery, or indeed the world itself, without them. Perfumers use many components of flowers – the petals, leaves, stems and roots – and throughout history, have evolved cunning and resourceful methods of extracting their scents, juices and powders, whether through enfleurage (the extraction of scent using unscented solid oils) or harvesting petals according to lunar phases.

The Man Behind the Blog

Neil has spent decades travelling the world to sample all of the fragrances that it has to offer. He was a perfume collector way before he became a blogger. His love of perfumes began as a private pursuit but his desire to share led to scent discussions with dinner party guests and him developing a blog in 2012. I think that Neil perfectly summarised his relationship when he said ‘I live through perfumes’. I 100% agree.

At present, Neil lives in Japan with his partner. Why Japan? A whim. He was intrigued by the complexity and mysterious nature of the country. He fell in love with the endless supply of unknown artisan perfumes.

Question and Answer Session

Q&A with Jo Farley

When asked what his favourite scent is Neil stated the iconic Chanel 19. He explained that whilst it is technically  a female fragrance it smells different on him. It becomes more masculine.

Timeless Chanel No.19

It is no secret that I love deeper woody fragrances which are typically considered to be masculine. I also love to layer scents and will often add a rose oil on top to add an element of femininity and my personality. My favoured rose oil is from Ostens but that’s a whole different blog post.

When asked for an interesting perfume fact Neil shared that even his cat wears perfume. Just a dab behind the neck and not every day.

Regarding the book, Neil stated that he wanted to make perfume accessible. That his book was like a logical journey. A magical walk through a forest and up hills. In writing the book he wanted to ’capture smell in words’, he definitely achieved that.

Meeting The Man

After the Q&A we were then able to have our books (included in the price of the event) signed.

Neil Signing books

I must say, Neil is absolutely delightful. He took the time to speak to every one and I could tell that he was incredibly happy to be able to share his passion with us.

His book can be purchased from amazon and WHSmiths. Get it for yourself or better yet, gift it to someone. I cannot imagine any perfume lover not liking this book. Amazon Prime next day deliver makes it the perfect Christmas gift!